Company Offerings

Aligned teams create competitive advantages

Why Breathwork For Teams?


Many business leaders are looking for tangible ways to improve the quality of life of their employees, as well as increasing company productivity.

Typical corporate training experiences can be quite surface level, don’t achieve much, and are rarely exciting for employees to attend.

Meanwhile, as openness to personal development & “outside the box thinking” grows, many business leaders are seeking new experiences that will not just give them tangible benefits, but also give their employees something new & unique that they cannot experience anywhere else.

What is Connected Breathwork?


Breathwork is a multi-beneficial practice which involves changing how we breathe in order to create shifts in the body on a physical, mental, and emotional level. Through Connected Breathwork, individuals can tap into their body’s innate healing abilities, release stress & anxiety and become better equipped to handle the challenges of work & life.


Breathwork has been associated with numerous benefits, including reduction in stress, anxiety, and depression (1), increased relaxation (2), increased Heart Rate Variability (a measure of increased calmness in the body) (3), improved well-being (4) and reduced blood pressure (5).

1. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (2017) – Effects of rhythmic breathing on stress, anxiety, and depression. The results showed significant reductions in stress, anxiety, and depression levels among the participants. 2. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings (2018) – Effects of Breathwork on stress reduction. Findings demonstrated significantly reduced perceived stress levels and increased relaxation among participants. 3. Journal of Psychiatric Research (2020) – Impact of slow-paced breathing on heart rate variability (HRV), a measure of autonomic nervous system function associated with relaxation and stress reduction. The study found that intentional slow-paced breathing increased HRV, indicating a relaxation response. 4. International Journal of Yoga (2019) – Effects of alternate nostril breathing on perceived stress, anxiety, and overall well-being. The results revealed a significant reduction in stress and anxiety levels, as well as improved well-being among the participants. 5. Journal of Neurophysiology (2018) – Effects of controlled deep breathing on sympathetic nervous system activity and blood pressure. The study demonstrated that intentional deep breathing led to decreased sympathetic nervous system activity and reduced blood pressure.

Breathwork For Companies


ReallyAlign can offer a customised workshop for you team, based on the size, setting & needs of your company. Each session is tailored for the specific needs of the group.

Intentions & goals can be set in advance of the workshop to make sure all attendees are bought in & open-minded about the experience.

Benefits to Employees & Team Leaders


Whether its a half-day workshop or a 3-4 day offsite retreat; companies who give their employees access to the practice of Connected Breathwork open their organisation to a whole range of positive benefits.


Benefits include:

– Letting go of stress & anxiety.

– Greater wellbeing & happiness.

– Better able to handle challenges at work.

– Connection & authenticity amongst teams.

– Improved health & immune function.

– Better relaxation, creativity & access to new ideas.

Offerings for companies

Half or Full-day Workshop

Suitable for companies who want to run an accessible workshop for their employees.


What’s included:

 – Tools & techniques to help employees manage anxiety & emotions in their day-to-day work lives

– Education on the nervous system & how to use this knowledge to their advantage

 – The chance to release built-up stress and leave feeling recharged

– Communication techniques to help them navigate challenging topics (internally & with customers) with more ease

2-4 Day Offsite retreat

Suitable for the staff of smaller businesses or C-level/founder teams


What’s included:

– Team building exercises

– Tools and techniques to help employees manage anxiety & emotions in their day-to-day work lives

– Education on the nervous system & how to use this knowledge to their advantage

– Multiple Connected breathwork journeys (1 per day) which allows for a much deeper reset for all participants

– Communication techniques to help them navigate challenging topics (internally & with customers) with more ease

 – Alignment on bigger topics like vision, values & goals